SWTOR Key / Gamecard

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SWTOR Key / Gamecard

Online Gold offers you your Game Key for the MMO Star Wars The Old Republic. With your SWTOR Key, you will be able to start with the Online RPG as soon as possible. Download the game via EA Origin and activate it in your personal SWTOR account with your key. Star Wars The Old Republic is scheduled for release in Autum 2011.

Travel to the most famous locations of the Star Wars universe, 3000 years before the era of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Darth Vader, and choose your side – and your destiny – in an epic conflict between the Jedi on the side of the Republic and the Sith Empire. In SWTOR you can choose from 8 different classes (4 on each side) with different advantages and playstyles.

Let SWTOR fascinate and thrill you! You can get your SWTOR Key here at Online Gold. We also offer you the SWTOR Headstart Key that will grant you exclusive bonus items and early access to the full version of the game.
