Guild Wars 2 is eagerly expected by millions of players worldwide. The predecessor of the MMO, Guild Wars, was once regarded as the greatest competitor for World of Warcraft and was praised by the gaming press. Another reason for the success of Guild Wars was its waiver of subscription fees. This concept will be maintained for the successor Guild Wars 2.
Guild Wars 2 promises to burst the conventions and limits of the MMO genre. Instead of static quests, dynamic events are planned – if the player sees smoke on the horizon, he should investigate the source. In Guild Wars 2, your success or failure have long-ranging effects on the development of the game world.
Besides many innovations, Guild Wars 2 also boasts sophisticated graphics and diversity among the featured races and classes. Here at Online Gold you can get your Guild Wars 2 Key. Make sure to get the probably mist visionary MMORPG of the year 2012 – buy Guild Wars 2 Key now at Online Gold!